Today is the first anniversary of this blog. I launched it last year as a Mother’s Day gift to myself and to coincide with Food Allergy Awareness Week, a cause that is personal to me.
And so today is my Blog-a-versary, it’s Mother’s Day, and its the beginning of Food Allergy Awareness Week. I’m planning a lot of food allergy posts this week – so stayed tuned – but today I’d like to take a moment to reflect back on this first year of blogging.
I fell in love with blogging from the very start. I love to write and having this creative outlet has been pure joy for me. I want to be blogging more than I am but, honestly, this pregnancy takes up not just my physical energy but my creative energy as well. I know that’s not going to change anytime soon so I’m trying to make this passion more of a priority than its been. Trying.
Six months ago, I began dreaming of a redesign, of changing my blog name and URL. I’ve never been crazy about my blog name – its not very catchy – but at the time, it was something that I kept coming back to so I went with it. Then I came up with a new name that I was really excited about and talked to a couple of designers but I dilly-dallied buying the URL and now its gone. So, unless I come up with something else that I love, I’m not changing this blog’s name. And the redesign is on hold until I can afford it.
The good thing about losing out on that new name was that it made me go back and look at my first post and my About page. Those two posts reminded me why I chose this name to begin with, why it still works for me and what my purpose in blogging is. I created this blog so I would make time to write. It was (and still is) time for me to stop talking about writing and actually do it. I need to be reminded of that. I need to remember that my writing dreams will never come true if I don’t actually write.
In the year ahead, I hope to grow this blog and remember that It’s My Time to Write.
What are you celebrating today?

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