Why I Don’t Like the Special Needs Label

The first time someone referred to my son as special needs it struck me like a slap across the face. It wasn’t intended that way; I just don’t consider him special needs. But I guess his food allergies are special needs. I just don’t want them to be. I want him to be normal, whatever than means. Food allergies are an invisible disability, which might be why I don’t think of them as special needs. I don’t see my son's food allergies when I look at him. I see an adorable three year old who melts my heart. Of course I would see him that way; I’m his mother. But others don’t see his food allergies either. They just see a toddler. And therein lies the threat. Last fall, before my son had any awareness of his allergies, we went to a parade where participants were throwing candy into the crowd.  A well-meaning grandmother (no relation) kept handing candy to us. I didn’t have the energy to explain to her why our son couldn’t have the candy. Thankfully, at two, he wasn’t all that … [Read more...]

Finding Faith

I recently read Lost Edens - A True Story by Jaime Patterson, a book about the author’s failed marriage. There were so many poignant lines but the sentiment that resonated with me was Patterson’s struggle with her faith during this dark time in her life. She asks “Where is God in this?.” She prays for answers but feels she’s not getting a response, at least not the one she wants. And this I get because I’ve been struggling, too, and wondering where God is in all this darkness. At my darkest point, when I felt I wasn’t strong enough to carry the burdens weighing on me, I turned to a friend whose faith is solid. She encouraged me not to lose faith, that God wasn’t punishing me; He was crying with me and I wasn’t alone. So I prayed. And I bargained. And I got through. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason even if that reason isn’t always evident. I just have to remember to keep believing and I’ll find my faith. Disclaimer: As a member of the From Left to Write Book … [Read more...]

The Digital Mom Handbook

I’ve been drawn to “how-to” books lately. (I’d love to get lost in a novel but I don’t seem to have the desire when I’m picking which book to read next.) So I was drawn to The Digital Mom Handbook by its tagline “How to Blog, Vlog, Tweet, and Facebook Your Way to a Dream Career at Home.” Specifically, I was interested in  vlogging because its something I’d like to learn more about. And if I can figure out a way to supplement my income from home, even better. I ordered this book from Amazon on Monday. It arrived by Friday. And I devoured it by Sunday. If you’re looking for a book to help you get started in blogging, this is a good choice. It lacks the technical information you might need – the nuts and bolts of starting a blog – but it more than covers the bigger issues all bloggers should consider before starting a blog with the hopes of making money from it. The book is written for would-be bloggers but experienced bloggers will find it worth the read, too. I’ve been blogging for … [Read more...]

The Costume Trunk

I recently read The Costume Trunk by Bob Fuller, a children’s book about a little girl who discovers a magical costume trunk that takes her and her friends to the imaginary world of Paddywhack Lane where they can be whoever they imagine to be. It reminded me of the costume trunk I played with as a child. Ok, it wasn’t a trunk. It was a drawer in my grandmother’s dresser full of shawls and costume jewelry. It was pink tutus and other dance outfits repurposed. It was a blue flower girl dress that I wore in my uncle’s wedding. When it no longer fit, we dyed it purple and my sister played dress up in it. We pretended to be princesses, actresses, characters from our favorite books. We just had fun pretending. My son has gotten to the age of pretend play and its so fun to watch. One day he’s a superhero flying around the house catching bad guys. Another day he puts on a pair of goggles and pretends to be an ocean diver. I love seeing his imagination at work and look forward to the … [Read more...]

Travel Bug

I was bitten by the travel bug at a young age. I like the adventure of going somewhere new. If money were no object, my husband and I would pack up our family and travel the world. Well, at least to the more popular, more developed parts of it; we’re not that adventurous. I’ve always wanted to drive across the United States. I had the opportunity several years ago but couldn’t find a traveling companion – no one had the luxury of time that I did then. I regret not going because I don’t see that opportunity happening again anytime soon. I regret that I didn’t pursue that dream when I had a chance. I regret that I let fear hold me back. I recently started reading The Unexpected Circumnavigation about a couple who spent two years traveling the world by boat – you can see how I was intrigued by the premise. Here was a couple who combined their dreams – she wanted to travel the world, he wanted to live on a boat – and went after it. I admire their gumption. And I admire that they didn’t … [Read more...]