Celebrate National Watermelon Day with this salsa recipe I'm sharing over at Prime Parents Club. … [Read more...]
White Watermelon Sangria
I had the best watermelon ever after the Rockville Twilighter and now I’m all about watermelon. We were left with a big bowl of watermelon after our recent watermelon carving experiment. So, I made sangria. I was inspired by Kitchen Play’s July Progressive Party. Each month, Kitchen Play hosts an online party with a sponsored theme. This month’s theme is summertime dining with CUTCO. I love our CUTCO knives (but don’t tell my husband because I wasn’t happy when he bought them; they are a bit pricey). Those knives are the ones I reach for first when cooking. They made slicing fruit for sangria a cinch. White Watermelon Sangria Inspired by Summertime Sangria from Nutmeg Nanny 3 cups white wine 1 cup ginger ale 1 cup watermelon, blended 1/4 cup sugar apple, lime, orange slices Stir ingredients together and refrigerate for two hours. Serve over ice. Garnish with fruit. What’s your favorite summertime dish? This Kitchen Play Progressive Party … [Read more...]
How to Carve a Watermelon
Have you ever carved a watermelon, like you would a pumpkin? The idea didn’t occur to me until I was approached by Stephanie from the National Watermelon Promotion Board about participating in the Watermelon Carving Contest Blogger Challenge. The challenge sounded fun so I enthusiastically agreed. And then our watermelon arrived. My husband and I stared at it, not quite sure where to begin. Fortunately, there are carving recipes on the National Watermelon Promotion Board’s website. And there’s a category in the contest for duplicating one of those recipes.There are six categories altogether; the other five categories are for original creations. We were inspired by the turtle carving and decided to make a crab, in honor of our home state, Maryland. It was a lot easier than we thought and a lot of fun, too. First, we (and by we, I mean my husband; I took photos) cut the watermelon in half. Then, he scooped out the insides of each half with an ice cream scoop – … [Read more...]
Are You Ready to Get UnJunked with UNREAL?
We don’t have a lot of candy in our house. Candy choices are limited for children with food allergies. Although, our options have recently expanded since my son outgrew his peanut allergy. A new line of candy, while not food-allergy-friendly, recently caught my attention. UNREAL Its candy unjunked. What’s does that mean? It means its made with real ingredients – cane sugar, milk, peanuts and cacao. It means its free of artificial flavors and preservatives and it does not contain GMOs, hydrogenated oils or corn syrup. UNREAL has taken the junk out of candy. That’s not to say its healthy – its still candy – but it’s a step in the right direction. And the taste? While I can’t personally tell you how good this candy is – its full of the allergens I’m avoiding – I can tell you that it didn’t last long in our house. The lot of samples we received* was gone in a day thanks to my husband. But don’t just take my word for it. Join me for Kitchen PLAY’s #GetUnReal … [Read more...]
Mom It Forward Guest Post: Allergy Friendly Blueberry Muffin
Today, I'm sharing a blueberry muffin recipe at Mom It Forward. Its dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, nut-free and low in sugar, too. Give it a try and let me know what you think. I promise its not flavor-free. … [Read more...]