At yesterday's primary election, I voted for the cupcake. Ok, not really. But I am endorsing Candidate Cupcake. He’s the mascot for the 3rd Annual Cakes for Cause Cupcake 5K. Cakes for Cause provides job training at Moxie Bakery & Café for teens in the welfare system to help them transition to adulthood. The first Cupcake 5K in 2010 was my very first 5K. I walked a lot of it but managed to run across the finish line in under 45 minutes. I was proud of that time. The upcoming race will be my second this year (I ran the Heartly House Break Away 5K, a race to end domestic violence, in March and earned a new PR, 36:26). I’m looking forward to it because so many of my friends are participating – we have a team of about 20 runners. And, did I mention, there’s a cupcake at the end? I’ll always run for a good cause…or a cupcake. Why do you run? … [Read more...]
Running for a Cause
I set a new PR (personal record) earlier this month. I broke the 40 minute barrier! I ran the Wiggin’ Winter Dash in 39.30. My brother-in-law asked me to join him in this race for juvenile diabetes research; he was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. We did not run together. He’s faster than me for one and I’m still trying to build my endurance back up after my pregnancy-induced running hiatus. I did a combination of running and walking and I fully expected to cross the finish line in my usual 45 minutes. But when I rounded the street corner to the final stretch, I could see that the time clock was still in the 30s. I couldn’t believe it! I sprinted for the finish line. It was exhilarating! Not just because of the new PR but because I felt like I did something good for myself (exercise) and for the kids we were racing for (raising money for research). This is one of the reasons I like running – I could care less about the medals. The three races I participated in this fall … [Read more...]
Lacing Up for the Red Cross
It’s been seven months since my last 5K and I walked that one. Its been longer since I actually ran. I’ve been a little busy. You know…having a baby. But now my little buddle of joy is almost three months old and its time to get back out on the road. And what better reason than to help raise money for the Red Cross. So, I assigned up for The Red Run on November 5 <--- that’s in less than three weeks people! I haven’t run in months (see above). I’ll probably end up walking more than running but who cares. I’m supporting a friend and a good cause and getting back in my running shoes. If you’re in Frederick, you should join me. I’ll be in the one in red (actually, all participants have been asked to wear red). Got any advice for my first post-baby 5K? Disclaimer: My race registration was waived in exchange for blogging about this event. These opinions are my own. I’m happy to help out the Red Cross and have donated my time and money in the past to their organization. Here's a … [Read more...]
From Running to Prenatal Yoga
I miss running. Its been months. I scaled back my running in December when the morning sickness kicked in but kept training for Francie’s 5K in March. My plan was to walk/run it with a friend but ended up walking it with my husband instead because my hip wasn’t in the game. I wanted to run so badly but I’m glad I didn’t. Walking that 3.1 miles totally kicked my you know what. I slept a lot the next day. And then, on the Monday following, I received news that forced me to shelve my running shoes for the rest of my pregnancy. Following my ultrasound at 18 weeks, the doctors discovered that my placenta is low-lying. That means its potentially in the way of a natural delivery. So no more strenuous activity and lots of fingers crossed that it moves out of the way as the baby grows. I asked my doctor if prenatal yoga was ok – I was looking for a physical activity to help with the stress and the aches & pains – and got the green light. I took a prenatal yoga class during the second … [Read more...]
These Shoes Were Made for Running
These are my running shoes. They’ve been hanging out with the dust bunnies in my closet for over a month now. I know they miss the pavement – I miss the pavement – but here they are, getting no action. It would be easy to blame the weather. Temps under 40, gusty winds, inches of snow on the sidewalks where they usually roam. But, truth be told, the weather is only half the problem. You see, I’ve just been so darn tired, I haven’t felt like lacing them up. And the nausea. Don’t get me started on the nausea. Who wants to run when you feel like you might lose your lunch along the way? Fortunately, like the Groundhog, I’m looking forward to an early spring. I’m 14 weeks into my second 40 week journey to motherhood and starting to feel like myself again. Yes, my friends, I’m expecting! So, while the weather has made running a challenge, the real challenge has been the first trimester. I’m hoping to continue running at a modified pace through my second trimester and then start training … [Read more...]