Workout When?

I fully intended to pick-up my Couch to 5K training again. I did. I really did. But this Mid-Atlantic heat wave is keeping me from hitting the sizzling pavement. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. There were a few beautiful, low-temperature days last week and I still didn’t put on my running shoes. It baffles me. I had no trouble running in the January cold, but the July heat? Forget it! My other problem is that I feel like if I don’t run in the morning I’m not going to run that day. I’d prefer to run in the morning because its cooler and I don’t want to run in the dark of the cooler, summer nights. I also prefer to run first thing in the morning so I can jump in the shower afterwards and get started on the day. I’d rather not shower twice in one day. But I also have trouble getting started in the morning. I need that shower, like a cup of coffee, to get me going. I’m more productive in the morning so I’d rather get up, get ready and get to the tasks of the day. I also like … [Read more...]

Time to Get Serious

I can’t believe it’s been a week since I last posted! (What’s that, like a decade in Internet years?) Last week – when I was last working on my blog – I read over my About page and was reminded of my purpose in starting this blog: accountability. I wanted my blog to hold me accountable for the things I say I’m going to do so I actually do them. But a blog can’t hold me accountable. Only I can. So, it’s time to get serious… …about writing …about blogging …about getting my priorities straight …about finding balance between family and work …about training to actually run a 5K instead of walk it (there’s a 5K in two months that I’m planning to run – just downloaded the registration form) I’ve been serious in mind but not in action. It’s time to get serious about taking action! It’s time to get up early, write often, run regularly and manage my time according to my priorities. It’s a lot to tackle but its time. Who’s with me? What are you serious about? … [Read more...]

Ready, Set, Run

I ran my first 5K last month! Well, sort of. I followed the Couch to 5K program for the first 30 minutes and then continued to alternate walking and running until I reached the finish line. But I did run and I completed the race in just under 45 minutes (44 and change)! 45 minutes was my goal and it felt really good to beat that even if it was only by seconds. You see, I’m not a runner. I’m not much of an athlete either. I didn’t play any team sports in high school; I spent my after-school hours in the dance studio. And then came college and a bout with mono that took me off the dance floor. I was never the same after that. Fast forward to last winter. I signed up for a 5K in March to celebrate the life of a friend who had passed away the year before. My husband offered to participate with me but only if I ran. He didn’t want to walk it. So I accepted his challenge, bought a pair of running shoes and hit the pavement in January. Three weeks into my training the blizzards hit (yes, … [Read more...]