I fell in love with writing stories in the third grade when (probably thanks to my mom) my short story was published in the PTA newsletter. I didn’t particularly enjoy the taunting I got on the bus ride home that day but I didn’t let it get me down. I was a published writer at the age of eight! Since then, I’ve dreamed of writing a published novel. I made a few attempts, mostly within the safety net of a classroom, but I haven’t pursued this dream in earnest. Maybe I’m afraid I won’t achieve it. Or maybe I’m afraid I will. The fact of the matter is that if I don’t try, I never will. And if I learned anything from NaNoWriMo is that I have to put forth the effort (duh) to make this happen. So I’m rethinking my goals, slightly. My goal used to be seeing my book on the front table at Barnes & Noble. My ultimate goal was the New York Times Bestseller list (a girl can dream, right?). Those are still my dreams but now I also have the New York Times E-Book Bestseller list to add to … [Read more...]
Mama Kat Wants to Know Why I Write
More specifically, she wants to know what inspires me to write. That’s one of the prompts for this week’s writing workshop. Both are easy – and hard – questions to answer. I write because I love it, even though it’s painful at times . I write because its part of my being. Sometimes I need to write like I need to breathe. I write because I enjoy the creative process. I write because sometimes its easier to say what I mean on paper than out loud. I write because its who I am and who I’ve been since the age of eight. I’m inspired by stories, mine and others. I’m inspired by events and experiences. I’m inspired by issues that are important to me. I’m inspired by beauty in the world around me. I’m inspired by each and every friend and family member who cheers me on and asks, “So when are you going to write the next great American novel?” Why do you write? What inspires you? … [Read more...]
NaNoWriMo No More
I admit it. I gave up. Not intentionally. I didn’t say “I can’t do this. I’m done.” Instead, November 30 caught up to me and I was still 45,000 words from the goal. NaNoWriMo Fail. I did learn a few things in my attempt to write a novel in 30 days: I cannot write a story on the fly. I need and should create an outline beforehand. I have a tendency to give my characters one-syllable names, like Kate or Wynn. I write carefully and concisely, almost too much so. It can be a painful process. I think clearly in the morning but think creatively at night. I can and will write a novel (or more), just not in 30 days. Maybe next year, I’ll give this a try: Was NaNoWriMo a win or fail for you? … [Read more...]
NaNoWriMo is Kicking My You Know What!
It’s day 8 of NaNoWriMo and I’m still at 3,015 words. My average daily word count is shrinking by the, er, day. I’ve been following other WriMos on Twitter and watching their word counts exceed 10,000. Even my NaNoWriMo writing buddies have written more words than me. They are leaving me in their word count dust! I knew at the beginning I probably wouldn’t write 50,000 words. My goal instead was to write every day. Yeah, that hasn’t happened. Blame wanting to sleep in, the time change, a cold, whatever. Its not happening. But I’m not discouraged. I know that I can crank out 1,000 words an hour if I really put fingertips to keyboard. I know that I can find an hour each day to write. I know that if I made the effort NaNoWriMo could be mine! Alas, I don’t think it will be. I don’t mean to be pessimistic. I’m just being realistic. That’s just who I am. I also know that I’m a very careful, concise writer. It goes against my nature to spew words onto the screen. I love writing but … [Read more...]
NaNoWriMo 2010 Day 1
When the clock struck midnight around the world, National Novel Writing Month kicked-off with a bang. When the clock struck midnight on the east coast, I was fast asleep. I opted to start NaNoWriMo a little later this morning. I spent an hour writing and penned 937 words – not a good pace for the 50K goal but not bad. In fact, I’m not trying to reach 50,000 words. My personal goal is just to get into the habit of writing daily. If I can write 1000 words a day, I’ll have 30, 000 written by November 30, which seems pretty reasonable to me. I can then write another 30,000 in December. So maybe I won’t win NaNoWriMo but I can achieve my goal to write a complete novel this year. And that’s good enough for now. Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? How’d the first day go? … [Read more...]