It took forever but I finally completed week 7 of the couch to 5k program.
2 more weeks to go.
On this New Year’s Eve, I’m disappointed that I didn’t meet my goal of finishing the program by year end and I’m disappointed that I didn’t run a complete 5K in 2010 (by that I mean running it from start to finish without walking).
I ran out of time.
I blame it on a late start to training this go around. I blame it on the weather – I don’t run in rain, snow, wind or extreme temps. I blame it on the mojo I lost when I no longer had a race to train for. I blame it on me.
The training has gotten harder. The intervals are gone, replaced by a brief warm-up walk and then all run. Sometimes I can do it. Sometimes I have to walk. Sometimes its a mental challenge. Sometimes its a physical challenge. Sometimes its both.
But in my disappointments and challenges, there are also accomplishments that I didn’t imagine this time last year. I set out to run one race and I participated in four. And my times got better with each race. When I first started this program in January, I could barely run for 60 seconds. Today, I can easily run one mile and, on a good day, I can manage two miles in 25-30 minutes. And I fell in love with this sport, which is saying a lot coming from this non-athlete.
So, for 2011, I resolve to finish this program. And I will run a complete 5K. My goal is to run the Turkey Trot in under 40 minutes (35 would be great but I’ll settle for somewhere in the 30s). And I’m making my family participate with me (but shhh, they don’t know that yet).
How’s your running going? What races are you training for?

Sometimes it can be frustrating, but it’s always cool to look back and realize what you’ve accomplished during the year. Great job!
Mo recently posted..Well- hello 2011