When the clock struck midnight around the world, National Novel Writing Month kicked-off with a bang.
When the clock struck midnight on the east coast, I was fast asleep. I opted to start NaNoWriMo a little later this morning.
I spent an hour writing and penned 937 words – not a good pace for the 50K goal but not bad.
In fact, I’m not trying to reach 50,000 words. My personal goal is just to get into the habit of writing daily. If I can write 1000 words a day, I’ll have 30, 000 written by November 30, which seems pretty reasonable to me. I can then write another 30,000 in December.
So maybe I won’t win NaNoWriMo but I can achieve my goal to write a complete novel this year. And that’s good enough for now.
Are you participating in NaNoWriMo? How’d the first day go?

Shannon! I’m doing this too! Yay us! Can you let me know your user profile so we can become “writing buddies”? (That sounds so wrong.) 🙂
Cool! My user profile is SLDMorgan. It would be great to have an online writing buddy (that does sound weird) 😉