Not So Ready for Race Day

Tomorrow, I’m running the 1st Annual There’s No Place Like Home 5K.

Or, rather, I’m going to attempt to run

I knew when I signed up for this race that I wouldn’t be ready. I knew I would not have completed the Couch to 5K program. But I thought I would have been farther along — I’m still on week 5.

Last Sunday, after successfully completing day 1 of week 5 – and feeling really good about it – I was confident that I’d be ready to run the race on week 6.

And then I got sick.

My voice started to go Sunday night and by Monday it was gone, replaced by a deep, persistent cough  — my stomach muscles are getting quite the workout. I’m still coughing but at least I can talk above a whisper now.

I was hoping to finish tomorrow’s race under 44 minutes. I came in just under 45 minutes the last time I ran a 5k. Now, I’ll be happy if I can get through it without igniting a full-blown coughing fit.

I’ll let you know next week how I did.

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  1. Good luck! Hope the coughing isn’t bad, and that you’re able to have fun.
    Mo recently posted..Friday Freedom!My Profile

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